Platinum Sponsor - INR 5 Lakhs
  • One large island exhibition booth located in a premium position in the exhibition area.
  • Logo and acknowledgement as platinum Sponsor on the conference website.
  • Four (4) registrations for the company.
  • Brochure / Catalogue to be put in registration kit.
  • Industrial Technology Platform – Demonstration and hands on*
  • 6 sessions – 20 participants each session -1 hour per session
Gold Sponsor - INR 2 Lakhs
  • One small island exhibition booth located in a premium position in the exhibition area.
  • Logo and acknowledgement as Silver Sponsor on the conference website.
  • Three (3) registrations for the company.
  • Industrial Technology Platform – Demonstration and hands on*
  • 4 sessions – 20 participants each session – 1 hour per session
Silver Sponsor - INR 1 Lakh
  • One large exhibition booth located in the exhibition area. The booth shall be given on first come first serve basis
  • Logo and acknowledgement as Silver Sponsor on the conference website.
  • Two (2) registration for the company.
  • Industrial Technology Platform – Demonstration and hands on*
  • 2 sessions – 20 participants each session – 1 hour per session
Bronze Sponsor - INR 50,000
  • One small exhibition booth located in a premium position in the exhibition area. The booth shall be given on first come first serve basis
  • Logo and acknowledgement as Bronze Sponsor on the conference website.
  • One (1) registration for the company.
Exhibition Stall - INR 30,000
  • One exhibition booth located in the exhibition area. The booth shall be given on first come first serve basis.